Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Crime should be practiced more
Nobody practices at crime, i wonder what the worlds crimerates would be, if criminals put the same effort into their abilities, as law officials and the military does.
So far, in the world, only a very few criminal organizations have the same military capability as a government military force. They can be heavily armed, yes, but rarely as heavily as a real army. The mexican cartels are an example of criminals with the aggressive capabilities of a smaller government army.
But on the street level, the criminal is pretty much a noob compared to the cop, in most activities.
Take driving skills, for example. M-hm, say no more.
There are examples of that too, for example, which type of criminals DO have a pesky habit of getting away from cops? Illegal street racers, and they seem to be the only ones who more than often, do get away. Why? Practice!
So far, in the world, only a very few criminal organizations have the same military capability as a government military force. They can be heavily armed, yes, but rarely as heavily as a real army. The mexican cartels are an example of criminals with the aggressive capabilities of a smaller government army.
But on the street level, the criminal is pretty much a noob compared to the cop, in most activities.
Take driving skills, for example. M-hm, say no more.
There are examples of that too, for example, which type of criminals DO have a pesky habit of getting away from cops? Illegal street racers, and they seem to be the only ones who more than often, do get away. Why? Practice!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
marvel 1602: new world, SPIC 4

marvel 1602: new world greg pak/greg tocchini
while the whole 1602 series is just SLIGHTY ahead of what we would call steampunk, by a few hundred years and in colonial america, this particual book is spectacularly steampunk and it all thanks to to lord iron, this world's iron man.
col. america dragged nick furry's body into the singularity that pulled him from his time to this timeperiod and creating the age of wonders, early. that is where we left off in marvel 1602. now we have bruce banner trying to deal the fallout of being affected by the singularity, namely, what we would call the grey hulk. he tries to help some native dinosaurs; shame it takes the hulk to defend these brontosaurs from a pack of meat eaters. back in roanoke we have the budding romance of virgina dare, the first englighperson born in the new world (fact!) who is also a shapeshifter (as per legend!) with peter parquagh, former aid to bruce banner in his mission to find nick furry from king james I, but now printer's aprentice to master jameson. he is only now starting to demonstrate the powers he obtained from the spider who bit him that was affected fromt he aformentioned singularity. whew. it gets better. norman osborne is trying to buy the rest of island from the native (expect they were taught english by col. america and were told to never trust the whitemen. they will lie and break every promise they ever speak) with glass beads and james I sends lord iron, on load form spain, to bring in bruce banner who failed to bring nick furry's head.
who is lord iron exactly? well first of all he is a renassiance man. he makes da vinci look like he rides the short bus to inventor school.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Welcome back, and give the "Gurus of Salsa" a big hand. Before we begin, let me just point out that we are working on a new title for the show, but to be honest, finding something intelligent to associate with a late night talk-show, is an oxymoron in itself.
Yeah, oxymoron obviously means your a moron thats been oxy'ed or something, but screw that, we're getting nowhere, our first guest tonight is - the prime minister! Please welcome the prime minister, hey!
Host: Have a seat, mister prime minister, please.
PM: Thank you, um, thanx!
Host: You just came back from abroad, didnt you?
PM: That's correct, i was at a meeting in Uruguay.
Host: What exactly do you do at such meetings?
PM: Not much, we talk, take notes, suggest stuff, you know..
Host: That sounds nice, did you guys figure stuff out?
PM: Yes and no, sortof.
Host: What do you do, as a prime minister?
PM: Nothing much, go to meetings, figure stuff out, type on my computer, answer phones, fax stuff, you know, politician-work.
Host: You run the country?
PM: Well... the country would probably run itself, thats what societies ultimately do.
Host: What do you mean?
Welcome back, and give the "Gurus of Salsa" a big hand. Before we begin, let me just point out that we are working on a new title for the show, but to be honest, finding something intelligent to associate with a late night talk-show, is an oxymoron in itself.
Yeah, oxymoron obviously means your a moron thats been oxy'ed or something, but screw that, we're getting nowhere, our first guest tonight is - the prime minister! Please welcome the prime minister, hey!
Host: Have a seat, mister prime minister, please.
PM: Thank you, um, thanx!
Host: You just came back from abroad, didnt you?
PM: That's correct, i was at a meeting in Uruguay.
Host: What exactly do you do at such meetings?
PM: Not much, we talk, take notes, suggest stuff, you know..
Host: That sounds nice, did you guys figure stuff out?
PM: Yes and no, sortof.
Host: What do you do, as a prime minister?
PM: Nothing much, go to meetings, figure stuff out, type on my computer, answer phones, fax stuff, you know, politician-work.
Host: You run the country?
PM: Well... the country would probably run itself, thats what societies ultimately do.
Host: What do you mean?
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