Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spoiler-free 'Watchmen' Trailer Review


by Psychopathic Sin

First, I have to say 'Watchmen', the graphic novel is the best novel I have ever read. For those of you who don’t know the book, it was written by England’s own Alan Moore with art by Dave Gibbons. The book made it on Time Magazine’s top 100 list and it also won the Hugo award.

Alan Moore is best known for 'Swamp Thing', 'From Hell' and 'V for Vendetta'. Most of his comics are not for kids. He is known for attacking adult themes and problems. Moore is also a novelist who wrote "Voice of the fire". He pretty much shaped comics in the 1980's.

The book is deep with political undertones of the 1980's (in an alternate America) and the characters seem so real when you read it that you don’t want to put the book down. So human and life-like you forget you’re reading a comic.

You see their humanity behind the mask.

I think this will be the most monumental acheivement ever made from comic to movie... Alan Moore wrote the script so layered it was supposed to be impossible to be made into a movie... well I guess we'll find out when it comes to theaters in 2009... But just seeing the trailer and by making the comparison to the comic, the movie is going to be great...

But we're talking about the trailer only.. so lets get right into it here... first watch the trailer:

...oh I forgot I do not give out spoilers!! Most of these scenes they show are KEY moments in the I can only briefly comment on them.

Now lets compare some of the scenes with pictures right out of the graphic novel:

So before my husband takes the blog over....

I figured I should probably post a new blog. will now be having multiple posters and I wanted to give everyone a heads up on that. I figured with multiple posters we can better serve nerds and dorks of all genres.

So how is my nerdness coming along? There has been definite progression. I married my ultimate nerd :) and we're living our happily ever after. I have seen Batman Begins to further my nerd background. Which was fantastic! Totally addicted. I know, I know a true nerd would have already seen Batman Dark Knight... but with all this wedding nonsense and our family camping trip after the wedding I have had no time. But I will definitely be going to see Dark Knight in theatres... I can't wait.

Also I am in the process of learning to play chess. Not an easy, or necessarily a fun thing to do, when your husband is chess master. But sometimes I play on line to try to get the basic moves down and what not, but I still get wupped everytime. So hopefully I will get better as time goes by instead of just giving up, like I usually do.

And last but not least I have been reading graphic novels!!! And I am completely getting addicted. I have read Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle (AWESOME!!!) and Marvel Zombies vs. Evil Dead which was a completely random and fantastic combination of characters. And I just borrowed Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore which should be amazing (does Alan Moore ever do any wrong?)!

So in conclusion... if anyone has any nerdy ideas to help my growing nerdness please leave me a comment. Give me books to read, movies to watch, things to do, etc. I am open to expand my nerdyness in almost anyway possible.

Oh yea, did I mention that I will be working at my stores midnight release party for Breaking Dawn (the conclusion to the epic Twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer), which I am completely addicted to? Enough said!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The hilarity of technological progress

Three years before I was born, a tremendous technological breakthrough became a reality...

The introduction of the ONE gigabyte hard drive.

My goodnesss, with that much hard drive space, you could store like... one whole 2 hour video file. No wonder it was the size of a refrigerator.

Did I mention that it weighed 550 pounds and cost $40,000 dollars?

... It seriously did.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Mega Man 9 [in 8-bit GLORY!!11!1!!!1!]

If you're anything like me, you've been lamenting the loss of the classic 8-bit style of the videogames of yesteryear. Ever since Mario 64 burst onto the scene with its 3-D graphics, everything's been downhill since. Granted, Mario 64 was a pretty sweet game, but Mario Sunshine was a steaming pile. Mario Galaxy was a huge improvement...but it's still no Mario 3. I think most would agree, but I digress...

We aren't talking about Mario here, we're talking about Megaman.

If anything has suffered during the '3D era', it was the Megaman franchise. Megaman Legends was a disaster. Megaman Legends 2 wasn't much better.

He doesn't even wear his helmet in these games, WTF?!!?! They went on to make the god-awful Battle Network series (of which there are 20 titles, according to wikipedia). That's right... TWENTY Battle Network games.

Thankfully, Capcom came to their senses and released several awesome 2D Megaman games in recent years: The 'Zero' series and 'ZX', and I can't fail to mention the entirely AWESOME 'Megaman X' series. Megaman + Hadouken = Effin' sweet.

But now Capcom is doing one of the coolest things I've seen any video game company do in a LONG time. OMG, I'm so giddy as I write this....The newest game in the Mega Man franchise, to be released in September of this year (2008) is.... *drumroll*

Ladies and Gentlemen.... I introduce to you.... MEGA MAN 9!!

What's this? Is it some mistake? Didn't I say this was a 'NEW' game? YES! It IS new. Capcom is releasing an ENTIRELY NEW 8-BIT MEGAMAN GAME. HOLY SWEET MARMALADE!! (?)

Check it out, here's the trailer:

Did you notice that it said "In the year 20xx"? I love it.


These screens are taken from

Monday, July 14, 2008

Of Mario and Myth

Some of the most toxic mushrooms found in the world are found within the genus Amanita. This genus is responsible for approximately 95% of the fatalities resulting from mushroom poisoning. About one gram of amanita muscaria is considered a toxic dose. In cases of serious poisoning it causes a delirium, characterized by bouts of marked agitation with confusion and hallucinations.

So why is Mario eating Amanita Muscaria?

He eats them like candy!

Reason: Size distortion.

In western Siberia, the use of A. muscaria was restricted to shamans, who used it as a method of achieving a trance state. They also use it during Yule celebrations, in which the shaman will bring A. muscaria to the people of the tribe. They will then eat them and see each other as huge giants or tiny elves. In fact, the consumption of A. muscaria in Siberia is directly responsible for the Christmas (Yule) legends of elves and Santa Claus!

So that's why he grows so big when he eats the mushroom! (or turns small if it's a mini-mushroom or dies if it has a skull on it)

Mario spends a lot of time eating Amanita. Could he be a shaman? No way! He's a plumber from Brooklyn, right? Well maybe when he isn't saving the princess in the Mushroom Kingdom, he's sitting at home studying shamanism and ethnobotany, because he seems to know exactly which mushrooms he needs and exactly which leaves he needs for size distortion and sensations of flying respectively.

Maybe Raccoons are his totem animal?

Or how about the Tanooki?

The Japanese legendary shape-shifting Tanooki is said to put leaves on its heads and to chant prior to transformation. In some legends, the leaf is the sacred lotus plant of Buddhism. When Mario gets a leaf, he gains pointy ears and the tail of a Tanooki.

"Tanuki" is the Japanese word for 'raccoon dog' (Nyctereutes procyonoides). They have been part of Japanese folklore since ancient times. The legendary tanuki is a mischievous master of disguise and shapeshifting.

Okay.... so Mario is a shaman who eats mushrooms and leaves and his totem animal is the 'raccoon dog' of Japanese folklore..... interesting....

Speaking of Japanese folklore.... the Koopas are actually "Kappas" which are "river-children" of Japan. These legendary water-sprites are gods of the Shinto religion.

Kappa are mischievous troublemakers. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the more troublesome, such as stealing crops, kidnapping children, or raping women. In fact, small children are one of the gluttonous kappa's favorite meals!!!

They feed on these hapless victims by sucking out the entrails through the anus. But don't bother trying to stop them, they are said to be masters of the "Koppo" martial arts technique (which was invented by them).

Mario EASILY kills these Shinto gods by jumping on their heads. Mario is awesome!!!!!

Note: I must say that not ALL kappa are evil. There are Shinto shrines dedicated to benevolent Kappa throughout Japan.

In the Japanese manual for the original Super Mario Bros, the evil King of the Koopas is called Daimaƍ Kuppa ( "Big Devil Koopa" or "Great Demon Koopa").
Keep fighting the good fight Mario!!!


Amanita -

Tanooki -

Kappa -

Thursday, July 3, 2008


This blog and website was created because I, Ashley (who you will learn to know as Fractal Faery), has had my life completely altered because of a movie. Who knew? I was a mild dork... I read obsessivley, I love vampires ( I am currently addicted to the Stephanie Meyer Twilight series), I love Lord of the Rings, and I work in a bookstore (we'll call that Booth & Noble for the time being). I do dorky things like break into dance for no reason other than I'm happy, and I love fractals. My fiance is a much bigger dork than I, and he will be on here from time to time (you'll get to know him as Max Rebo), because his life like mine was completely changed because I watched Iron Man.

He is an amazing dork, geek, or nerd... whichever your prefer. He helped my modify this blog and he is the creator of He is also a man who can solve a Rubik's Cube, researches mythology and theology, and he refuses to read anything but nonfiction. He is currently looking into working in the computer field, is obsessed with Star Wars, and makes his own Magic the Gathering Cards. Just to name a few things... but I'm sure he'll get into that later.

But for now I will go back to the reason why this site/blog was created. Iron Man changed my life! I know it sounds silly, but it's true!!! I went and saw Iron Man a couple of days ago and it was so completely, mind blowing-ly amazing that a whole new world has been opened up to me! I have just started reading the Iron Man graphic novels for one, and I'm learning to play chess... I am doing everything in my power to make myself a better geek. I consider myself a new geekling. So it is my mission to never mock my finace for playing video games or watching too much Star Wars... I will instead embrace it and learn new and awesome things. So if anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm completely open minded now. Soon there will be a movie list of films to better improve my geeky-ness, along with a similar list of graphic novels.
Wish me luck... and let me know if how I'm doing. If I bore the crap out of you tell me now.