by Psychopathic Sin
First, I have to say 'Watchmen', the graphic novel is the best novel I have ever read. For those of you who don’t know the book, it was written by England’s own Alan Moore with art by Dave Gibbons. The book made it on Time Magazine’s top 100 list and it also won the Hugo award.
Alan Moore is best known for 'Swamp Thing', 'From Hell' and 'V for Vendetta'. Most of his comics are not for kids. He is known for attacking adult themes and problems. Moore is also a novelist who wrote "Voice of the fire". He pretty much shaped comics in the 1980's.
The book is deep with political undertones of the 1980's (in an alternate America) and the characters seem so real when you read it that you don’t want to put the book down. So human and life-like you forget you’re reading a comic.
You see their humanity behind the mask.
I think this will be the most monumental acheivement ever made from comic to movie... Alan Moore wrote the script so layered it was supposed to be impossible to be made into a movie... well I guess we'll find out when it comes to theaters in 2009... But just seeing the trailer and by making the comparison to the comic, the movie is going to be great...
But we're talking about the trailer only.. so lets get right into it here... first watch the trailer:
...oh I forgot I do not give out spoilers!! Most of these scenes they show are KEY moments in the I can only briefly comment on them.
Now lets compare some of the scenes with pictures right out of the graphic novel:
1. Origin of Dr Manhattan we see how he came to be |
2. Nite owl’s ship come out of New York harbor |
3.we see the famous scene from the comic were the comedian goes through the window this sets the whole tone for the book(in my opinion) |
4. Now we see Adrian Veidt (That’s all I can say) (sorry) |
5. You see Dr. Manhattan disappear ( in trailer there’s a janitor ,here You see any army guy) (Again That’s all I can say and I had to black out dialog sorry) |
6. Rorschach |
7. Another shot of the Silk specter2 |
8. Dr Manhattan again 3 of him!! I can’t say anymore, but there’sonly 2 in the book |
9. Nite owl |
10. the cemetery scene!!! Sorry no spoilers |
11. The Comedian being himself |
12.Dr. manhattan again, teleporting in to a building |
13.Dr. manhattan kissing silk specter2 |
14.Giant Dr. manhattan |
15. finally the last image you see in the trailer is this one.. |
What is this crazy structure you see? I wont say, but if you want to know
Also the quote Rorschach says:
"The world will look up and shout save us..
And I’ll whisper no"
is on the first page of the go out and read it.. or you could wait till next year and see the movie. Either way the movie is going to be great, but this is just my opinion.
I have a good feeling about the movie just by looking at the trailer. Zack Snyder will be able to pull it off(believe me!!) but also get ready for a three hour to a three and a half hour sitting in the theater. It’s going to be a long movie but it will be worth it..also when they put out another trailer I will keep you up to date with how close it is to the comics. Hoped you liked my little presentation here and have a nice day!!
Awesome article! I’m really intrigued by this. I can’t wait to see what happens. Hey, have you seen any good movies lately? Don't wait, Watch Iron Man 2 online today!