Friday, August 15, 2008

You're a new nerd... you don't count.

Someone told me this a few days ago, and it's really been bugging me. I was told that because my nerd-dom was started because I watched Iron Man it doesn't count. I'm only a nerd because I married one. And I really hate that. The fact that really kills me is she really believes this. Do you? And if so why? Why can't someone become a nerd? Yea, I know being a nerd isn't easy. I know you went through a lot of bullshit in high school and junior high... you think I didn't? No, I didn't read comic books, no I didn't see Star Wars 18 times when it was in the theater, no I can't name every Marvel or DC character or Dark Horse or any other comic brand but does that really matter?

I tried to argue this point with her. That I was a vampire dork, and a book dork... but yet she insists. I don't count. Why not? I was picked on in junior high... no I wasn't really picked on in high school... but that is because I was the scary goth girl. I have worked at one bookstore or another since Ieft college. Doesn't that count for something? I think it should. I have 6 book cases in my tiny little 2 bedroom apartment. Not everyone can say that. My friends are all nerds in some form or another. I have Clifton... the physics nerd, Rachael the Renaissance Faire and sci-fi nerd plus faeries and all sorts of other nerdness... I have Drewie... the comic book nerd. I have been surrounded by nerd-dom for as long as I can remember but apparently that doesn't count.

So now I need your opinion... do I count? I have started down the path of true nerdness... I have started reading graphic novels and learning to play chess... but I have always been a fantasy nerd... and a fractal nerd... and a vampire dork... and a faerie geek... and so on. Isn't that enough?


  1. lol, I'm sorry my comment bothered you so much but I can't help but stand by my beliefs. It's nice that it seems the geeks are finally getting their due but I see so many people embrace this lifestyle after watching a movie or finally reading a dope graphic novel that they had been pooping on because graphic novels seem cool to read now. See it from my point of view. Let's say I'm getting into more vampire (overrated btw) or goth stuff b/c I heard something you said. Or I saw a cool goth-like outfit in Hot Topic and decided hey I like this. I'm going to learn a bit more about this. And I start calling myself goth. Now me personally I feel it'd be insulting to all the goth girls I knew who embraced that lifestyle BEFORE it got chic and you could pick up ur ready-made goth ensemble at the mall. When it wasn't trendy, it was weird and strange and you could get beat up for it. Hell some did. I mean I like painting, know some about it and can say I know a bunch of painters. I appreciate the art, I've painted before but that doesn't make me a painter. I've always been the "cool geek" or the "weird art girl" or the "nerd" with friends. It took me years to embrace my inner-weirdo and be proud that I stand out. I can't help but give the evil eye to people who come around when the stigma of being a nerd isn't so bad anymore. If you've really been such a nerd all this time I don't understand how ur "new." As I learned, "once a geek, always a geek." Nerds are nerds regardless. Just because you pick a certain genre of nerdom doesn't change you from being a nerd. Honestly I don't ever think we'll see eye to eye on this one. I'm still bitter and well I just don't want to. But I'll still make u ur monster and call u faux-nerd without thinking any less of you. I'm interested, what does the hubby think about all of this? I'll have to ask by bgf (best geeky friend)to read this and chime in, too. He'll probably say I'm being a hater but I've come to grips with my inner hater, too. What can I say, I have issues...

  2. It's odd to me that you chose "weird art girl" to describe yourself because that was always me too! Why can't I be a little nerdy when I was younger and throw myself into it now? I still don't understand manga... I'll never be that kind of nerd. If I choose to call myself a new nerd because I'm completely throwing myself into it now I think I have the right to do that. You can hate all you want but that doesn't change the fact that I've been a baby geek all my life and I'm learning to embrace full nerd-dom now. :P
