Okay... first of all let me apologize for not writing a proper blog in forever. We've been very busy lately. If it wasn't for my husband I'm sure this blog would barely get any updates at all. Second, let me give you a little background on how I met my husband. I promise you this all has a point. I used to work at a very small bookstore called Borders Express (basically a Waldenbooks that was bought by Borders). I worked there for a total of 3 years. During that time one of my customers bought a book called Letters to a Young Mathematician by Ian Stewart (as seen on the right). When I saw the cover of the book I shouted excitedly, "Look, it's a fractal!" I had just been trying to explain to my coworker what a fractal was, and if any of you have ever tried explaining what a fractal is, you know just how difficult that can be! So this customer just drops his jaw and looks at me and says, "You know what a fractal is?" He looked completely dumbfounded. He then ends up leaving the store, I later find out it was to buy a pencil and some paper so he could give me his info but when he left I had gone to smoke a cigarette and he thought he had lost his chance, and so he went home defeated. Maybe a week later he came back into the store with his friends and I ran over and gave him a piece of paper with my name, cell phone number, and my e-mail. And the rest is history. Later that night I got my first e-mail, then we exchanged myspace page info, where we discovered we are both obsessed with Manson (Marilyn Manson), and we've been together ever since. My husband has a very mild form of Asperger Syndrome and I can state for a fact that he probably never would have talked to me if it wasn't for this book. We had been planning on writing Ian Stewart a thank you letter for sometime, and after we got our wedding thank you cards back from Snapfish.com we decided it would be the perfect opportunity to send him one. So we did, explaining in a much shorter way why we were sending him a thank you card and how much we appreciated him. And we got a response! Not only did he write us a letter he also sent us a copy of his newest book personally autographed for us!
I know this picture is giant, but I wanted you to be able to see some of the detail. I don't know if I accomplished that but oh well.
Below are some images of the book for your enjoyment!
So we met, we fell in love, and now we get to live geekily and happily ever after!
For those of you who don't know, a new 8-bit, old-school Megaman game came out on Sept. 22, 2008. I blogged about it a while ago and posted the trailer.
Well, the game's only been out for 4 days and some crazy bastard has already beaten the whole thing and uploaded the ENTIRE game to Youtube.
So if you're as excited about Megaman 9 as I am, check it out:
See... basically the cube is covered with WHITE stickers that they color with ink (like marker ink). They must have known that this paint RUBS RIGHT OFF, because they decided to cover each individual sticker with ANOTHER sticker (a clear one), to prevent people's fingers from rubbing the paint off (apparently).
This would be fantastic as long as those clear stickers didn't just peel right off!!!
So... you buy a Rubik's Cube, you play with it for a while, and the clear stickers peel off... [see: video of me playing with it]
you keep playing with it some more and then the colors all rub off, so you end up with a solid white cube (of 54 little white stickers), which is obviously completely useless...
Why sell a toy that wears apart so quickly? (mine started rubbing off after about 5 weeks of owning the thing). I believe the answer is that they just want people to keep going out and buying more cubes to make more money, which is totally fucking lame. They even sell replacement stickers at the official website to make EVEN MORE money. By the way, my mother owns an original Cube from the 70's and the stickers on it are just fine. Not because it hasn't been played with a lot (because it HAS), but because the original stickers are solid colors all the way through, not just WHITE ones with 'coloring' on the top of them [that rubs right off].
This isn't first time this has happened to me. I rubbed a cube raw a few years ago and threw it in the garbage. I bought a new one, and the same thing started to happen, so I took some initiative. I decided to paint the white squares MYSELF. With MODEL PAINT. HAH!!11!
Max Rebo wins!
Er... oh yeah... the middle squares pop out sometimes too. WTF? I gotta get me a V-Cube
I just wanted to give my a husband a big "I'm proud of you" in front of everyone here. He just passed the first half of his A+ Certification exam this morning! I knew he could do it! So everyone please drop him a comment and let him know how awesome you think he is.
Also in the world of exciting news IRON MAN is coming to DVD on September 30!!!! SOOOO excited! And Spore has come out! I haven't had a chance to play it yet (because we have not had the funds to buy it) but the reviews have been awesome. So hopefully by the end of the month my husband will be completely A+ certified, I will own the Iron Man DVD and I will be playing the crap out of Spore!
Scientists have been smashing particles into each other at high speeds for several decades. They basically use tubes that have electromagnets in them to magnetically guide the particles into each other. (Michio kaku built one at age 16, the crazy bastard...). The fruits of their labor (up until now) has been an understanding of how quarks and other sub-atomic particles behave at high energies.
But recently, a NEW and improved GIGANTIC nine billion dollar particle accelerator (or ATOM SMASHER, as nerds like to call them) has been built in Geneva Switzerland. They've been working on this thing for 20 years, but they've FINALLY finished building it. It's called the "Large Hadron Collider" and it's a 17-mile long tunnel under Switzerland.
The new hope is to find a particle referred to as "The God Particle", which is believed to be the particle that is responsible for creating all of existence as we know it. I believe Higgs fields create mass out of massless particles, and therefore create matter (in theory).
Sounds pretty awesome right?
The only problem is, some scientists are worried that a Black Hole will be created in the particle accelerator and our ENTIRE EARTH WILL BE DEVOURED. According to Reuters:
"CERN scientists have been at pains to deny suggestions by some critics that the experiment could create tiny black holes of intense gravity that could suck in the whole planet."
At the end of this year, they will:
"...move on to produce tiny collisions that will recreate the heat and energy of the Big Bang... The detectors will monitor the billions of particles that will emerge from the collisions... "
So are scientists going to create a BLACK HOLE that will devour our planet? Michio Kaku doesn't think so, and I trust his judgment. Oh well... it would have been cool. Reknowned physicist Stephen Hawking bets we won't find the God Particle either. He's betting a whopping $100. That just screams 'confidence'.
i think you always have been a nerd.... like you said there are different types of nerds and (ahem) im the COMIC NERD!!! you are not. i would not expect you to know all the marvel characters..cause youre not that type of nerd..i think youre more of a "book worm" (nerd)..same with me i have not always been this hardcore with comics(well maybe i have) i gradually got into it..and now thats me!! as im sure you will graphic novels are the best!! keep reading..might i suggest "identity crisis" by Brad Meltzer..anyway dont listen to anyone but youre self.. you know who you are..besides us neerds have to stick together..this is the decade of the nerd!!!
... in my teeny-tiny 2 bedroom Stockade apartment! We just purchased a new book case. We don't have the space but it seems I have a compulsion to read/buy books not matter how little space I have for them. But we are very, very broke right now so it seems I won't be adding any to our collection for awhile... so the space we just added should be there for awhile.
I was watching a collection of old Porky Pig cartoons with my son today. I love old cartoons from the 30's - 60's because animation back then was actually quite fun to look at. The storylines/plots were basically irrelevant (in my opinion), because the visual gags and the way the characters move and act is just as funny and fun to watch (if not more so) than the so-called "entertainment" of the 80's and 90's (TMNT, Thundercats, X-Men, and The Tick notwithstanding.... Those cartoons are AWESOME). But as cool as the X-Men are, I often find more enjoyment watching the complete absurdity that was the hallmark of the "Golden Age of Animation". Betty Boop, Popeye, Casper and of course Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes Gang are among my favorites.
After growing up with the heavily-edited versions of these cartoon shorts (as shown on Saturday Mornings throughout the 80's), I eventually discovered the original, unedited, sometimes insanely violent (by today's standards) and sometimes blatantly racist and sexist cartoons of yesteryear.
So... back to the Porky pig collection....
Knowing what I know about the racist past of the old cartoons, I was (slightly) shocked while watching the 1940 Porky Pig cartoon called "Ali Baba Bound" (which can be seen here in it's entirety ). There is one scene in particular in which an Arab with a bullet strapped to his head is identified as a member of the "Suicide Squad". He watches the warfare from afar and gets visibly excited at the thought of getting shot at. Eventually he just decides to head right into battle, thus concluding the episode.
Presumably, at the time of its' release, "Ali Baba Bound" didn't cause quite the uproar of the Muhammad caricatures of 2006, but one could only wonder at the amount of hullaballoo this cartoon would have stirred had it been released in recent times.