See... basically the cube is covered with WHITE stickers that they color with ink (like marker ink). They must have known that this paint RUBS RIGHT OFF, because they decided to cover each individual sticker with ANOTHER sticker (a clear one), to prevent people's fingers from rubbing the paint off (apparently).
This would be fantastic as long as those clear stickers didn't just peel right off!!!
So... you buy a Rubik's Cube, you play with it for a while, and the clear stickers peel off... [see: video of me playing with it]
you keep playing with it some more and then the colors all rub off, so you end up with a solid white cube (of 54 little white stickers), which is obviously completely useless...
Why sell a toy that wears apart so quickly? (mine started rubbing off after about 5 weeks of owning the thing). I believe the answer is that they just want people to keep going out and buying more cubes to make more money, which is totally fucking lame. They even sell replacement stickers at the official website to make EVEN MORE money.
By the way, my mother owns an original Cube from the 70's and the stickers on it are just fine. Not because it hasn't been played with a lot (because it HAS), but because the original stickers are solid colors all the way through, not just WHITE ones with 'coloring' on the top of them [that rubs right off].
This isn't first time this has happened to me. I rubbed a cube raw a few years ago and threw it in the garbage. I bought a new one, and the same thing started to happen, so I took some initiative. I decided to paint the white squares MYSELF. With MODEL PAINT. HAH!!11!
Max Rebo wins!

Er... oh yeah... the middle squares pop out sometimes too. WTF? I gotta get me a V-Cube

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