Saturday, October 25, 2008
Our internet access is on the fritz at the moment and I have no idea when we'll be able to get it fixed. So if you notice a giant gap in posts... that is why. Right now I am using my coworkers laptop to get this info up. So please don't forget about us but know that it may be awhile before the blog is properly updated again. Feel free to contact us via our myspace account or e-mail and I promise it shouldn't be incredibly long before we're back in action.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Incredible things you hear in a bookstore...
You hear some pretty bizarre things when you work in a bookstore. Some of those things make sense... but generally they don't. For example, one of my co-workers was ringing a father and daughter out, back in our music and DVD department. They were picking up the special 3-disk edition of The Hulk (which I have not seen yet, so I have no opinion on at the moment) and while he was ringing them out the father asked his daughter why she wasn't getting Iron Man today. Her response is... "because it sucked" !?!?!?! WTF? It is still very hard for me to believe that there are people out there that didn't enjoy this movie! My co-worker said it took every ounce of control to not reach across the counter and smack her. :) For better bookstore stories check out I am really amazed when people tell me they don't love this movie! What is not to love? It shames me to admit that my parents are these people! My mom insists it must be lame because she fell asleep while watching (which she does with almost every movie) and my dad didn't like it because the fact that the arch reactor was necessary for the bad guys suit when it was originally to keep shrapnel away from Tony's heart in the first place and yadda, yadda, yadda.
On another note. I have one more graphic novel under my belt. The Good Neighbors by Holly Black. She is well know for her novels... The Spiderwick Series, Tithe, Valiant and Ironside. I must say I have not been disappointed with any graphic novel I've read thus far. And Holly Black never disappoints. I highly recommend her novels too. All her books (including the graphic novel) can be found in the teen or juvie section of any bookstore which makes them very quick but satisfying reads. It's amazing to have a visual idea of whats going on inside her head now. I loved it!!!
I love that so many new authors are branching out into the graphic novel world. It makes it a whole lot easier for a newb like me to branch out into graphic novels.
Some other ones that have caught my eye include The Curious Case of Benjamin Button... Nevermore , which is an awesome collection of Edgar Allan Poe short stories adapted into a graphic novel... and so many more! It's amazing what you find when you work in a bookstore. And always keep me posted with your ideas on what I should read next. :)

I love that so many new authors are branching out into the graphic novel world. It makes it a whole lot easier for a newb like me to branch out into graphic novels.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
It's been too long.
Okay, so we haven't written in awhile. I know, we're awful. We now have a forum, but I'm not sure if my husband has put up any links to it or not yet. If he has or when he does come check it out! Our lives have been very uneventful. I was very sick yesterday and the day before (with a cold) and now my husband has it. Your jealous, right? We have recently been crazy budgeting so we have no money to do anything fun!

But we did get to go see GWAR, which was awesome. We had to use our allowance money (not kidding), but it was totally worth it!
They were absolutely incredible. And incredibly awesome good time. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. If you haven't heard of Gwar I highly recommend that you look them up or at least go see one of their shows. I had never listened to their music before and I thought they were great!
Can you ask for more from a metal band then getting completely rocked and at the same time get covered in "blood" and "space jizz"... their words not mine.
I know it wasn't really a nerdy experience but I was amazed by the completely eclectic audience they had. You had your hardcore fans, your drunk chicks, then you had all sorts of random people like my husband and I and everywhere in between. Fat guys, skinny girls and vice versa. I was really in awe of the diversity at the show. I had no idea what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.
Beyond that my only other nerdy experience in this past month is that Spore is making me want to shove my head through the computer. So far it was an amazing game. I was totally hooked. Then it started buggin' out and I don't know what to do. So if you have any suggestions either leave a comment or e-mail us at So I make it all the way through the tribal stage... awesome! Totally stoked! I get to make my city hall and what not then I go to make a car and my Spore just bugs out and freezes kinda and I just get to watch my tribe stand around and shake their instruments. It's supposed to just be a little clip of a video connecting me to the car maker but I never get there. Please help if you can! It would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, and I almost forgot! I read a new graphic novel called The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.
Absolutely incredible. Very impressed. I've had a regular at the bookstore I work in tell me about Jim Butcher for years and I wasn't sure. I'm not always a huge sci-fi fan. Usually I'm a bigger fan of the fantasy end of that spectrum. Anyways... I figured this would be a great way for me to be introduced to the series quickly to see if I'd like it. Well I loved it! Give it a read. I'm very excited to see what he does with this series.
There's also another graphic novel that Holly Black (love her) just put out that I can't wait to get my hands on.
And if you think of any other books, that I just need to read please let me know! Thanks in advance!

But we did get to go see GWAR, which was awesome. We had to use our allowance money (not kidding), but it was totally worth it!
They were absolutely incredible. And incredibly awesome good time. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. If you haven't heard of Gwar I highly recommend that you look them up or at least go see one of their shows. I had never listened to their music before and I thought they were great!
Can you ask for more from a metal band then getting completely rocked and at the same time get covered in "blood" and "space jizz"... their words not mine.
I know it wasn't really a nerdy experience but I was amazed by the completely eclectic audience they had. You had your hardcore fans, your drunk chicks, then you had all sorts of random people like my husband and I and everywhere in between. Fat guys, skinny girls and vice versa. I was really in awe of the diversity at the show. I had no idea what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised.
Beyond that my only other nerdy experience in this past month is that Spore is making me want to shove my head through the computer. So far it was an amazing game. I was totally hooked. Then it started buggin' out and I don't know what to do. So if you have any suggestions either leave a comment or e-mail us at So I make it all the way through the tribal stage... awesome! Totally stoked! I get to make my city hall and what not then I go to make a car and my Spore just bugs out and freezes kinda and I just get to watch my tribe stand around and shake their instruments. It's supposed to just be a little clip of a video connecting me to the car maker but I never get there. Please help if you can! It would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and I almost forgot! I read a new graphic novel called The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.
Absolutely incredible. Very impressed. I've had a regular at the bookstore I work in tell me about Jim Butcher for years and I wasn't sure. I'm not always a huge sci-fi fan. Usually I'm a bigger fan of the fantasy end of that spectrum. Anyways... I figured this would be a great way for me to be introduced to the series quickly to see if I'd like it. Well I loved it! Give it a read. I'm very excited to see what he does with this series.
There's also another graphic novel that Holly Black (love her) just put out that I can't wait to get my hands on.
And if you think of any other books, that I just need to read please let me know! Thanks in advance!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Nintendo DS 3.0
The Nintendo DSi is the newest version of the DS, announced during the Nintendo Conference on October 2, 2008 in Tokyo, Japan.

1. The new DS has two 640x480 cameras built in (one that points toward the user, and one that points away from the user)
2. SD card slot (for photo storage)
3. larger screens (3.25 inches as opposed to the previous 3 inches)
4. It is possible to download games from an online store, called the DS Shop, and store them on the DSi. The applications will either be free, 200, 500, or 800 Nintendo Points.
5. It also comes with a built-in browser
1. The cameras are a measly .3 megapixels.
2. The front slot for GBA cartridges will be removed, thus removing the unit's backwards compatibility and its compatibility with add-ons like Guitar Hero: On Tour and the rumble pack.
The system will be released in Japan on November 1, 2008 for 18,900 yen (appox.$180USD), and in 2009 in the rest of the world.
My take:
The larger screen and the ability to download games and software using Nintendo Points is VERY cool, however, removing GBA backward-compatibility is totally lame. I still play my old GBA games, and I always have one loaded in my DS system at all times. I couldn't give a crap less about the stupid camera. What I didn't mention in the 'pros' and 'cons' is that the DSi is thinner and lighter than the 'DS Lite'. I haven't decided whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll have to hold one in my hands to decide.

1. The new DS has two 640x480 cameras built in (one that points toward the user, and one that points away from the user)
2. SD card slot (for photo storage)
3. larger screens (3.25 inches as opposed to the previous 3 inches)
4. It is possible to download games from an online store, called the DS Shop, and store them on the DSi. The applications will either be free, 200, 500, or 800 Nintendo Points.
5. It also comes with a built-in browser
1. The cameras are a measly .3 megapixels.
2. The front slot for GBA cartridges will be removed, thus removing the unit's backwards compatibility and its compatibility with add-ons like Guitar Hero: On Tour and the rumble pack.
The system will be released in Japan on November 1, 2008 for 18,900 yen (appox.$180USD), and in 2009 in the rest of the world.
My take:
The larger screen and the ability to download games and software using Nintendo Points is VERY cool, however, removing GBA backward-compatibility is totally lame. I still play my old GBA games, and I always have one loaded in my DS system at all times. I couldn't give a crap less about the stupid camera. What I didn't mention in the 'pros' and 'cons' is that the DSi is thinner and lighter than the 'DS Lite'. I haven't decided whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll have to hold one in my hands to decide.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Yesterday was a little slice of geek heaven!
icture of it online yet so we'll have to do with the image on the right but it is pretty f-ing sweet regardless! I got it at FYE and it's awesome!!! I've already watched it once! SOOO AMAZING! This movie is just incredible!!! I was blown away all over again. (Surprise, surprise) And the special features are pretty awesome! So far we've only watched the documentaries and I know there's a bunch more.
But what you may not have guessed is buying Iron Man's special edition DVD was only the beginning to my little slice of geek heaven. I also got to pick up Sex and the City - Extended Cut, which may not seem geeky to you but it's one of my favorite things to watch with my geekiest friend. Nothing like kicking back, having some girl time, sharing cocktails and what not! So now I just have to catch up on my seasons (I got the entire series for my wedding), I think I only have a couple left! Then it will be uber girls night!
And then last, but not least....
I AM THE PROUD OWNER OF SPORE!!!! I was up until 1:30 in the morning last night installing it and playing it! It is absolutely incredible! The graphics are great and the whole idea of the game is pure genius!!! I love it! And by the way, my current species name is... Tonas Starkas :) I highly recommend every one drop what they're doing and go out and buy 2 out of the 3 things I've just discussed! Well worth the money !
So if you don't hear from me for awhile I am probably playing Spore, watching Iron Man for the 18th time, or having a girls night! :)

But what you may not have guessed is buying Iron Man's special edition DVD was only the beginning to my little slice of geek heaven. I also got to pick up Sex and the City - Extended Cut, which may not seem geeky to you but it's one of my favorite things to watch with my geekiest friend. Nothing like kicking back, having some girl time, sharing cocktails and what not! So now I just have to catch up on my seasons (I got the entire series for my wedding), I think I only have a couple left! Then it will be uber girls night!

I AM THE PROUD OWNER OF SPORE!!!! I was up until 1:30 in the morning last night installing it and playing it! It is absolutely incredible! The graphics are great and the whole idea of the game is pure genius!!! I love it! And by the way, my current species name is... Tonas Starkas :) I highly recommend every one drop what they're doing and go out and buy 2 out of the 3 things I've just discussed! Well worth the money !
So if you don't hear from me for awhile I am probably playing Spore, watching Iron Man for the 18th time, or having a girls night! :)
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