But what you may not have guessed is buying Iron Man's special edition DVD was only the beginning to my little slice of geek heaven. I also got to pick up Sex and the City - Extended Cut, which may not seem geeky to you but it's one of my favorite things to watch with my geekiest friend. Nothing like kicking back, having some girl time, sharing cocktails and what not! So now I just have to catch up on my seasons (I got the entire series for my wedding), I think I only have a couple left! Then it will be uber girls night!

I AM THE PROUD OWNER OF SPORE!!!! I was up until 1:30 in the morning last night installing it and playing it! It is absolutely incredible! The graphics are great and the whole idea of the game is pure genius!!! I love it! And by the way, my current species name is... Tonas Starkas :) I highly recommend every one drop what they're doing and go out and buy 2 out of the 3 things I've just discussed! Well worth the money !
So if you don't hear from me for awhile I am probably playing Spore, watching Iron Man for the 18th time, or having a girls night! :)
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