Friday, February 19, 2010

When it comes to pirating...

I must stand by the musicians and artists. I want them to get paid so has to be able to live another day to make more art for me to enjoy. Stealing from the record and movie companies puts more money in my pocket and less in theirs. Yes, times are tough and frankly, it is WAY too easy to download a movie that looks really cool and is not even out yet. So the big bad corporations do things like push DRM and warnings and such. I think they just shoot themselves in the foot. You buy a new computer game and you can only install it a fixed amount of times. Shit happens and your computer is fried, so you install and again, and your comp dies, or you get a new laptop. Now you have to call up the company and go through who knows what sort of voicemail hell to get the approval to install the game you bought.

The companies are retarded. Something must be done. Hell, I am thinking of hoisting the jolly roger now.

Now for your visual aid.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The following is your prescribed dose of awesome for the day.

These guys can (and should) post here. Their geekness is well over 9,000.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Singles Awareness Day!

Yes, I know how this day can be for us, but these will certainly cheer you up.




How much would you pay for a used NES?

I still have my beloved NES from my childhood. I do not care how rough times are, that is something I would never sell. I am that emotionally invested. That is how I am, and some of you as well. Not everyone is like us, to some it is just a toy and needs to go.

SO when you put one up on ebay and get over 13 grand something is up. I read on in this here.

I knew it had to be bundled with some rare collectors cart. The thing is, none of us knew something like that even existed. All the game I had we fun and pretty popular. Super Mario Bros, Castlevannia Contra... stuff everyone played.

I ask you guys, how much is your NES collection worth? Anything super rare?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

In which I discuss Objectivism, Ayn Rand and Popular media.

I found this on the old el jay and it brought up some interesting ideas I had not considered. As a scientist I feel compelled to replicate this experiment. In fact, I could get all my supplies at 3 stores, and I bet they could be found in the same shopping center. Just a quick trip to Petco (for the fish tanks, hamster and the series of tubes), Gamestop (for a Big Daddy action figure) and Boarders (for a copy of The Fountainhead ). What the hell am I on about about? This.

Horrible, horrible news regarding 'Spider-Man 4' :(

They fired Sam Raimi and the whole cast  :(

Dylan Baker will never get to be Lizard.
