I must stand by the musicians and artists. I want them to get paid so has to be able to live another day to make more art for me to enjoy. Stealing from the record and movie companies puts more money in my pocket and less in theirs. Yes, times are tough and frankly, it is WAY too easy to download a movie that looks really cool and is not even out yet. So the big bad corporations do things like push DRM and warnings and such. I think they just shoot themselves in the foot. You buy a new computer game and you can only install it a fixed amount of times. Shit happens and your computer is fried, so you install and again, and your comp dies, or you get a new laptop. Now you have to call up the company and go through who knows what sort of voicemail hell to get the approval to install the game you bought.
The companies are retarded. Something must be done. Hell, I am thinking of hoisting the jolly roger now.
Now for your visual aid.
hey this blog is great. I'm glad I came by this blog. Maybe I can contribute in the near future. PM ME on Yahoo AmandaLovesYou702 Thank you day934
ReplyDeletePets are so much fun, I can look at them play all day. I was glancing at youtube today and saw this very funny video of a Turtle attacking the family cat. check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8LNJukfPLs
ReplyDeleteI don't mind watching the 10 seconds or so where they flash the "don't steal this movie or we'll put your ass in jail!!" warning, but those damn trailers really piss me off. I can understand their need in movie theatres where they are to encourage sales, but i think including them on purchased movies likely has the opposite effect for most people. Plus, here's some thoughts...
ReplyDelete~If i went to a store (or website) to purchase a movie,do they not figure i already looked at a few other movies while i was there??
~Why in the hell do they group the most non-related movies together to use as movie previews for purchased movies? In the actual movie theatre you're dealing with the movies that are current so you don't have much choice for previews, but why not have purchaseable movies include previews of past movies the movie company released that are similar to the one you bought (much like Amazons "things you might like" feature)? o.O
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